Synopsis: When a young boy named Kladrick and his trusty dog Inkwell wander too deep into the mysterious wilds of Sprigvale Forest, they come upon a rare ghostly flower named Dreambloom. After getting too close to this magical plant, young Kladrick suffers from the plant's mystical spores, which put him into a fitful, and possibly eternal sleep.
Unable to stir his Master, the industrious dog Inkwell sets out in search of help, finding our Heroes and bringing them back to the unconscious body of Kladrick. The only way to stir someone from the sleep induced by the Dreambloom is to concoct a strange herbal mixture using some rare ingredients that our brave Heroes must amass from around them. After boldly collecting these ingredients, Kladrick is successfully revived and returns home safely to spread the tales of his adventure to any who will listen.
Synopsis: An ancient Druidic Circle recruits their newest member to the fold, tasking Vylie to assemble her allies and deal with a putrid and venomous threat to the wildlife of Sprigvale Forest. A disturbed and evil cult who worship a banished Snake-creature named Hashkal are plotting a nefarious ritual that is meant to bring the vile Serpent creature into this world by poisoning the waters of Sprigvale Forest with venom from Hashkal itself, funneled in through a mystical portal that grows as more poison is released. It falls to our Heroes to stop the dreadful threat in its scaly tracks before this otherworldly being settles into lush Sprigvale and starts injecting its dreadful poison.
As a test of her abilities, the Circle of the Moon send Vylie and her ally Gadroon into the very depths of a Temple dedicated to Hashkal, counting on them to eradicate the serpentine menace and once again heal the poisoned rivers and streams of the Sprig. After rescuing a currently unconscious torture victim of the Cult and valiantly battling against the High Priest of the sect himself, our Heroes destroy the portal and cleanse the Forests of the sickening poison seeping into it. Vylie is given the title "Rattle Breaker" by her new Circle brothers, and the Sprig is once more safe.
Synopsis: Inkwell the dog and Waldon Tratton, Father of Kladrick Tratton, visit our heroes to thank them personally for the aid rendered to his son. Seeing the unconscious captive that the heroes rescued from the Temple of Hashkal, Waldon Tratton remarks that he bears a tattoo of a brutal gang of thugs called the Road Wraiths before heading home to Tandrywine. After awakening from his slumber, the Bandit called Andrello fesses up to his sordid past, admitting his membership in the Road Wraith gang, but saying that he joined them when they were simple, freedom loving highwaymen who were twisted and corrupted once their gang was usurped by an evil Dwarf assassin named Gancroft.
Offering to aid our heroes on a quest to the Road Wraith's hideout in an abandoned silver mine in the Dryhill Outskirts, Andrello and our heroes take part in a daring uprising that splits the Road Wraith gang in half, with some remaining loyal to the brutal Dwarf Gancroft. When the smoke of battle cleared, only our Heroes, Andrello and a pair of other Road Wraith's remained. Vowing to leave the bandit's life and start over again, the survivors dissolved the Road Wraiths and headed out on their own.
Synopsis: After a brief shopping experience at the colorful caravans of Master Trader Prodwell, our brave heroes triumphantly bring the body of the wicked Dwarf Gancroft into the bustling and ever expanding town of Tandrywine just in time to observe the town preparing for a strange harvest celebration known as the Bonedust Moon, an odd little holiday that is said to satisfy the Gods of Death in the hopes that they will focus their destructive attentions elsewhere throughout the rest of the year. Children run about in dark robes and paint their faces, while Bards and adults tell haunting stories of ghouls and goblins during this one haunted evening of the year.
The centerpiece of the Bonedust Moon for years running now has been the Gnomish traveler and collector of oddities named Hixelhan, who always presents his latest, strange and intriguing artifact to an astonished and terrified audience. This year, his prized piece is a curious floating cycloptic skull that turns out to have designs all its own, coming to life and summoning forth a rowdy band of skeletal allies that immediately turn the Bonedust Moon into an altogether different type of horror story. Vylie and Gadroon battle this Undead menace, and repel its evil and save Tandrywine from a grim harvest. Truly saddened and sorry for putting the people at risk unwittingly, Hixelhan vows to be far more careful with his artifact collecting in the future.
Synopsis: The rowdy events of the Bonedust Moon Festival begin to calm, and our Heroes are left with a very potent and still potentially dangerous Artifact in their possession. Our brave Adventurers are brought before the affable Mayor and Founder of Tandrywine, who reveals that the Artifact black burned skull is impervious to normal methods of destruction. A nearby Wizardess may have insight into how to permanently nullify the vitriolic skull, and the Heroes are tasked with taking it to the odd and paranoid Wizardess Yilly the Abjurer.
Returning to the Dryhill Outskirts, our Heroes encounter Yilly's tower and meet her faithful familiar, Shellton the Crab. After a lengthy wait, they are admitted, and reach a deal where the paranoid Wizardess agrees to lend her magical might to the Artifact's destruction if the Heroes can help her tame a rampaging Arcane Golem that has malfunctioned and began damaging Arcane Wards placed strategically around her Sanctum. Fearing leaving the safety of her tower, Yilly tasks Vylie and Gadroon with bringing her Magically created Golem protector back to her in one piece, so that she can repair the errant Golem through Wizardly Ritual. A furious battle ensues, and the Golem is brought back to Yilly, who lives up to her part of the bargain and finally puts an end to the threat that the Necromantic Skull presents. All is not roses, however, and a poor choice of decorum leads to the Adventurers being kicked out of Yilly's tower, which she may never emerge from again...
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